As seen from my previous blog entry on Computing, I was always a Computing geek, so it was only right I got into home computing and games consoles.
As previously seen, my first exposure to computing in the home was a Binatone pong machine, which was amazing but limited in scope.
This was followed by a ZX80, but I don't remember doing that much on it apart from a small bit of Basic. I was mainly doing programming at work and was more interested in games at home. I don't remember playing many games on the ZX80.
When I was about 16, as the 70s were turning into the 80s, on our summer holidays I came across arcade machines including Space Invaders and loved them. I then found some magazine adverts for the Atari 2600 games console which had interchangeable cartragies, including a Space Invaders. I became obsessed, but It took a while to persuade my dad to get one, as they were quite expensive, but he eventually did and I spent a lot of time playing Space Invaders, Pacman, Asteriods and many other games.
I started going to the Wellingborough computer club where I met a good friend Dale Thompson.
It was at the computer club that I first saw the next level home computers Atari ST and Commodore Amiga. There was quite a battle between these 2, I plumped for the ST as Dale had one. It had a GUI desktop and a mouse and used the classic 3 1/2 inch floppy disks. The games I loved on the ST were Dungeon Master, Super Sprint, Xenon, Populous, Leaderboard, Bards Tale, Bomb Jack, Lemmings, Cannon Fodder, Gauntlet II and who can forget Leisure Suit Larry In the Land of the Lounge Lizards. There were a lot more games, I loved the ST.
I did eventually succumb to the dark side and get the slightly superior Amiga, but I don't remember playing it as much, the games were very much the same as the ST, I cannot remember much of the Amiga.
About this time came the rise of the games consoles, the first we had (after the Atari 2600) was the Sega Megadrive. The main games here were obviously the Sonics, but I also remember Disney's Aladdin, Ecco and Micro Machines.
This was quickly followed by a Sony Playstation. With a lot of great games; Doom (which we completed), Wipeout, Medieval, Crash Bandicoot, Gran Tourismo, Spyro, Oddworld, Final Fantasy. My young daughter spilled a yoghurt on the Playstation so we had to get it replaced.
We then had a SNES with the first introduction to the best game ever, Mario Kart. We also played Donkey Kong Country a lot and Super Bomberman 2.
At some point we got a PC and I remember playing Command & Conquer a lot.
We also had a few handholds. The Gameboy, with Tetris, and a psp.
We then had a Nintendo Gamecube on which I mainly remember playing Mario Kart.
We had a Playstation 2 on which we played Guitar Hero and Singstar a lot. We still occasionally play the Buzz series of quiz and junior games.
We had a Nintendo Wii which was brilliant for the family, particularly Sports, Mario Kart and Party.
We had a Nintendo Wii which was brilliant for the family, particularly Sports, Mario Kart and Party.
We then had an XBox and Xbox 360, playing SSX Tricky, various Call of Duty's and Halo's (including the on-line multiplayer versions).
We have not yet got any of the latest generation consoles.
Today it is mainly iPads and App games, with a lot of time wasted on Candy Crush!
As previously mentioned I am a hoarder, which is vaguely disguised as collecting, and still have all my games consoles. Plus a few others I have picked up along the way, such as a SNES and Saga Saturn etc.
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